Nigeria: A tribute to a resilient nation
This no doubt is one of the most challenging periods in the 50 years existence of Nigeria as an independent federal nation. Perhaps not even the three years Nigerian civil war brought so much confusion and fear as the present siege that the Nigerian nation has suddenly found itself.
Again possibly it will be difficult to find a country that has experienced some of the greatest atrocities, looting, plundering, political, religious and ethnic confrontations and maladministration like Nigeria my dear country. And upon all these the country has continue to stand firm and solid against all the internal and external attacks on her over the decades since its diplomatic freedom from its colonial master.
A careful study of the nation famously known as the Federal Republic of Nigeria would revealed an homogeneous country that has been unfortunate to witnessed an unnecessary civil war, various military coups, massive looting of its resources by government officials and politicians, including some selected elite and inner cronies. The Nigerian nation has been forced to withstand some of the most barbaric ethno-religious crises under the sun and equally compelled to endure the current spate of bombings that is currently threatening its solid resilient foundation.
Many analysts have argued that if Nigerian were another country some of the crises that had engulfed it over the decades would have tore it asunder. But Nigeria the land of good people with bad leaders have continued to stand solid like an Iroko tree and rigid to development courtesy of various administrations and their unrealistic policies that has refused to move the rich country ahead of its past grandeur.
I love Nigeria no be small, and ever proud to be part of its resilient and bravery amidst the countless attacks , dooms day predictions and systematic sabotage and betrayal by some of its unpatriotic citizens and foreign collaborators who have tried and are still trying every selfish tricks under the sun to split it asunder for self-centered reasons.
This is a tribute to Nigeria the country with one of the highest concentration of tribes, natural resources and diverse people. The realm abounds with rich sumptuous food and still looking hungry and unhappy. The land with some of the most intelligent engineers, lawyers, writers, journalist, doctors, bankers,professors, military and policemen and other world class professionals across globe , but yet still left to run on dilapidated roads, outdated public schools, epileptic power supply, snail crawling rail lines and exhausted hospitals.
Show me another country in Africa with a large population, verse arable land, diverse culture and assorted chop-chop like Nigeria the land that has refused to shake or disintegrate to the shame of its enemies. Or is there any other country under the sun with laughable political dramas and policies across the globe? I mean a nation where its elected men and women are never ashamed to fight for furniture, car and house allowance or see nothing wrong in the number of abandoned government establishments and industries and the teeming number of its unemployed youth?
A tribute to Nigeria the land that has seen some of the most astonishing theft of its oil, and its other rich resources and yet the oil and resources are still flowing yanfu-yanfu and the selected beneficiaries are still getting richer but living in illusion and an unhappy life because they have refused to let these free bounties of the lord spray evenly among the verse majority in the country. What else can one give this supple country than to pay it a well deserved tribute for still shielding us against devastating storms, suicidal bombings, looting, ritualists, dare- devil armed robbers, ethno-religious murderers, astonishing assassinations, high cost of living, corruption and maladministration.
I believe the country Nigeria merit praises for refusing to fall cheaply in the selfish hands of those who tried to privatized and sell off its infrastructure and parts of its solid foundation to themselves and their associates. It warrants some accolades and kudos for still standing as a Federal Republic despite the internal feuds among its various ethnic group and diverse political ideology. We should praise our dear neglected country for still watering the storm amidst environmental pollution, oil spillage, flood, illegal mining, smuggling and the massive importation of second hand goods and substandard products into its territory.
What other country can stand the constant breaking of its laws by its citizens and outsiders? Where else can you find a country and people with patience and hope notwithstanding the long negligence by its leaders and unpatriotic attitudes of some of its citizens? Or is there any other nation and people that has been called assorted names ranging from 419ers, human traffickers, drug pushers, terrorists, yahoo-yahoo people and other numerous scandalous names? I think this country has given us much and deserves more than we have been giving back to it. Where else can we really run to if this great sustaining country disintegrate today? Show me other nation that can accommodate and tolerate all that has been melted out to this country? Which land can sustain and feed the millions of the diverse people of this territory if we succumb to the daily threats of bombings, stealing, looting, killings, and the other man made crises that have brought down other nations around us?
Tribute to Nigeria the hard-wearing land that has rebuff the bigoted minds of nepotism, segregation and the unpatriotic attitudes and utterances of some of its citizens. A loud ovation to the land of oil and gas, palm oil, cotton, groundnuts, gari, hides and skin, cocoa, cassava, maize, coconuts, sugar cane and other numerous agricultural exports that made us who we are today, not forgetting the high concentration of coal, bauxite, tantalite, gold, tin, iron ore, limestone, niobium, lead, bitumen and the other uncountable underexploited mineral resources scattered across all the geo-political zones of the country.
This is a tribute to my dear country Nigeria a land with vast areas of underutilized arable land, rich human resources and some of the happiest and suffering people under the sun.
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