Christian/Muslim partnership: Is it possible in Nigeria?
Oh God! I am back to religion again this week; an issue I have always tried to avoid by all means. But the reality is that this dynamic topic seems to be one area in our social relationship that appears want to tear us asunder if proper care is not taken.
Every right thinking and sensible society has realized and accepted the unquestionable fact that the worst wars are religious wars. And presently some of our ungodly religious leaders are steering us selfishly towards this avoidable calamity.
The realization that nobody or a group of individual or community can lay claim to have seen God or have been directed by Him to fight on His behalf in this present generation is a consciousness that should imbibe in every right thinking and God fearing human alive. The fact that none of us can create even an atom from all the natural things around us, is another perception that should distinguished us from the animals around us. Then why is it that some of our religious leaders and their followers have failed to comprehend these simple logic? Why have we not been able to form a partnership among our two major religious sect Islam and Christianity in this part of the world has seen and witnessed in other nations around us?
The story goes in Egypt from an adaptation from a book Generation Freedom by Bruce Feiler and published in the TIME magazine edition of June 6, 2011 on how an episode of religious intolerance unfolded in a tiny village of Sol. According to report, a rumor that a Christian man had been in a romantic relationship with a Muslim woman which resulted in a domestic dispute within the woman’s family over her actions and two people were killed, including her father.
After the funerals, a crowd of Muslims went looking for the Christian man, who they heard had sought refuge in the church. When word spread that someone found evidence that black magic was being performed on Muslims inside the church, the crowd set the building ablaze.
Just as this situation sparkled, something unexpected happened. A group of young Muslim and Christian leaders in Cairo who had worked together during the revolution swept into Sol to address the situation. The group built on the spirit of Christian - Muslim partnership that had developed in Tahrir Square.
Day after day during the revolution, Christians were reported to have locked arms to protect Muslims during prayers. Muslims also did the same for Christians during Mass. On other occasions Muslims and Christians linked arms to protect Cairo’s historic synagogue. The protesters were reported to have adopted an interlocking crescent and cross as their symbol of a new Egypt.
Sol offered a taste of Christian/ Muslim harmony and the result were striking. Within 24 hours, a Muslim delegation visited the town and helped rebuild the Coptic Church.
Can the above narrated scenario ever happen in Nigeria? Is it possible to see a Christian/Muslim harmony among our elders and youths? A big capital No! Given the senseless killings and burning of places of worship across the country over the years. The reality is that we don’t really respect each other’s religion,nor do we value the life of human being in this part of the world.
All across the world we have seen how other nations have been able to teach harmony and togetherness in religious activities, but not in my dear country Nigeria where some of our religious leaders have turned into mercenaries and angel of dead, instigating and openly encouraging their not too exposed and uneducated followers to go kill and burn in God’s name. we have seen and witnessed how followers of the two major religious group in the country always take advantage of helpless worshipers in churches and mosques during crises, burning and killing innocent souls without the fear of God or respect for human soul.
Is it possible for Christians and Muslims in this country to lock arms and protect each other during protest for good living condition and the various injustices around them? Or can the followers of both religions have the fear of God and protect each other’s property against the murderous invasion of some of their self- centered and narrow-minded followers? Can the Nigerian Christians and Muslims ever unite to battle those corrupt politicians and public office others who have been stealing and siphoning our resources over the decades? Can they sincerely forget about their religious differences and lock hands to bring an end to the various kidnapping, ethno-religious killings and senseless political and business assassinations now rampant across the country?
When would our own religious leaders ever call their followers to order and tell them the absolute truth that none among them can ever fight for God. When would they put the fear of God in their mind and encourage themselves and their followers to respect other people’s religions? Will they ever be truthful enough to educate their mercenaries that there is no compulsion in religion and that every soul shall be answerable to his or her deeds on earth? Can some of them,whose utterances and actions have shown glaringly that they are not truly averse to the teachings of their scriptures, repent and change their bigoted ways? True it should beat every reasonable mind on why despite our growing up togherter, schooling at the same schools, buying from the same markets, dating and marrying across our various tribes and regions and working in the same offices, ministries and factories ; the Nigerian Christians and Muslims are still daily confronting, attacking and killing each other across the country, especially in the northern part of Nigeria where these practice has become part of the system.
What really happened to our hitherto love for one another irrespective of religion, tribe and background? I could still remember the good old Nigeria where we all attended the same public schools with the Emekas,the Bellos, the Bolajis, the Etims, the Akpayis, the Ndas, Peter, Mary, Aisha, Segun, Audu, Ngozi, Nnamdi, Jato, Johnbull or whatever name you bear or the religion you practice, we never really cared; as long as you are a Nigerian and a human being with one head and a soul. But,is that the practice today? All across the country some of our schools both public and private are now selfishly segregated and upcoming Nigerians shamelessly indoctrinated to hate each other based on tribe and religion sentiments. Our communities and homes are now segregated environment, where religious differences have torn us asunder within even close families and friends. It is no longer a free Nigeria anymore and we have been forced to now choose where we reside and who we make friends with based on their tribe and religion. Employment and some business transactions are now based on religious bigotry and nepotism. Some of our religious preaching and upbringing these days is all about hatred, falsehood and hypocrisy.
Truly,can there ever be a partnership between Nigerian Christians and Muslims? Well,everything they say is possible if you believe and set your mind in it. I believe we can create a friendly partnership among ourselves,if we can say no to all the magu-magu and wuru-wuru in our sytem, including the instigating self-centered lies of some of our religious leaders and politicians who over the years have been using God’s name to create division among us and try to tear us asunder for their selfish interest.
May God continue to protect us against them and give us the strength and courage to one day come together and lock our arms patriotically against their selfish plans irrespective of our religion affiliation.
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