Recently our dear country has been grappling with the menace of insecurity occasioned by the terrorist activities of some known and unknown groups. This has resulted in an imminent threat to that thinning fabric that was hitherto holding the various units of the country together. However it is not only the acts of terrorism that is challenging the corporate existence of Nigeria. The conduct of our public office holders has been identified as yet another possible cause of the present state of insecurity. For several years now, the sharing of the “National Cake” has almost assumed a constitutional status, where public servants and politicians criminally enrich themselves with impunity to the detriment of the populace.  Most patriotic Nigerians who would have otherwise teamed up with the security agencies to fight the prevailing insecurity are reluctant to do so when considering the high rate of corruption in the polity.

Public corruption ultimately carries in its wake extreme reactions from the impoverished masses. Nigerians of today are enlightened and seeking emancipation from the shackles of poverty bequeathed to them by corrupt and criminally enriched public servants and their cronies.

However we in Rights and Democracy Volunteers (RDV) thank our visionary President, DR GOODLUCK JONATHAN GCFR for having the courage and political will to initiate a determined fight against corruption in his transformation agenda. The FREEDOM OF INFORMATION (FOI) ACT is a veritable statute in the war against corruption and we urge Nigerians not to ignore this Act.

In the last four months we have had reason to believe that Nigeria is undergoing a quiet revolution in the area of Public Accountability and Administrative Transparency under President Goodluck Jonathan. During this period we invoked the provisions of the FOI Act in investigating allegations of contract impropriety against the FCT Administration under SENATOR BALA  MOHAMMED, the FCT Minister.

Responding to our request, the Hon. Minister directed that relevant books and records be opened for our team of Volunteers to verify claims that contracts were awarded in outright abuse of official privileges and without compliance with the provisions of the Public Procurements Act.

At the end of the exercise, which included physical appraisal of non-perishable procurements, it was evident that:
a)      Procurements at the FCT are done in compliance with the provisions of the Public Procurements Act.
b)      Voluminous procurements are segmented to accommodate available finances over a period of time.
c)       The accounts of the FCT Ministry are properly and professionally audited by the Auditor General of the Federation.
d)      Victimization of any kind is non-existent at the FCT Ministry, as people are given equal treatment without the bias of gender, religion or ethnicity.
e)      The FCT Administration under Senator Bala Mohammed is transparent and embraces public good and accountability to a high degree.

1.       The FOI Act, as a transformation tool of President Goodluck Jonathan – led government, is not a fluke and is meant to bring democracy closer to the people and also assist the government in eradicating corruption.
2.       The Minister of the FCT, Senator Bala Mohammed, has, by his respect of the FOI Act in giving our Team of Volunteers access to relevant records concerning our enquiries, shown that President Goodluck Jonathan means well for Nigerians, and that there is no “instruction from above” to frustrate the FOI Act as speculated in some quarters.
3.       Nigerians have a duty to make the FOI Act and other Laws of our nation work. Our public servants and political appointees must emulate Senator Bala Mohammed by ensuring that our Laws are respected so that democracy would thrive for the benefit of Nigerians.
4.       We enjoin Nigerians to support and encourage President Goodluck Jonathan in ensuring that the true meaning of democracy is brought to bear so that future generations of Nigerians will inherit a virile political and economic system.

Long live President Goodluck Jonathan!
Long Live the Federal Republic of Nigeria!!

ALHAJI SANI ALIYU                                                                                     BARR. IMO ABIAESSE
Country Director                                                                                                     Country Secretary


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