
Showing posts from December, 2011

The orchestrated plans to break up Nigeria

"Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds." ¯ Albert Einstein True, my dear country Nigeria is no longer a safe place, especially with the daily bombings, kidnapping and senseless killings of innocent souls across virtually everywhere in the country. To be honest, I am even scared writing this column this week, because who knows where the next deadly bomb is going to explode. Like everything Nigeria, the spate of bombings in the country has taken another dimension, with faceless living human beings among us senselessly going after innocent church worshippers and Islamic pupils. A shameless action and ungodly if you will agree with me. Is it not actually a worthless less efforts to go bomb or kill people worshipping or praising that magnificent, all knowing and all seeing God that none of us has ever seen or behold, and at the end of the day both the bombers and everyone else will definitely die and answer to all his or her good and bad dee...

Oil subsidy removal: The President, his tiny faction and the majority of us

“Nothing is more revolting than the majority; for it consists of few vigorous predecessors, of knaves who accommodate themselves, of weak people who assimilate themselves, and the mass that toddles after them without knowing in the least what it wants” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe The oil subsidy palaver: It is currently the hottest debate and one of the most talked about issue across the country and beyond our shores.   And its few proponents are daily churning out different propagandas and ideologies on why the vast majority of us should and must support the oppressive idea of subsidy removal as being planned by the present administration under the commanding power of President Goodluck   Ebele Jonathan. I am still finding it very difficult to believe that our dear coordinating minister for Economy and Finance could disrespect her intimidating gele and almost practically weep to convince the majority of us to accept this repressive plan. And to quote her as reported by the ...

President Jonathan and his many wahala…

“Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. ” Peter Drucker Perhaps no other President has been unfortunate to be confronted by so many wahala since Nigeria independenceth than President Goddluck Ebele Jonathan. These wahala can be categorized into two:   the man-made and God made, with the latter dominating the scale.   And to be fair to the president, it has not been quite easy for him as the number one man of this great rich controversial country. The daily challenges and wahala confronting Mr. President comprise various strikes from different sectors of the Nigerian social, economic and political fronts, which are ASSU and NLC strikes amongst others. This administration has to its credit one of the most challenging and threatening internal problems since our independence. This courtesy of the deadly Boko Haram    mayhem, the Niger Delta militancy, the Jos, Bauchi, Kaduna, Yobe, Nazarawa ...